Showing posts with label dander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dander. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Control Dust Mite and Pet Allergies

  • Bedding: Select non-allergic, washable bedding materials. Rather than pillows stuffed with feathers. Get special casings (plastic or rubberized fabric) that zip around mattresses, box springs and pillows. These limit your exposure to dust mite particles. Use washable blankets and spreads, and wash all bedding (including pillows) every week in hot water.
  • Humidity: If possible, install a room dehumidifier in the bedroom. Keep humidity below 50%. Lowering humidity reduces the number of mites. Avoid using vaporizers or humidifiers.
  • Cleaning: Clean and dust your home thoroughly a regular basis (particularly the bedrooms). Vacuum frequently using HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) air filtered vacuum. Clean your carpet, rugs, and upholstery every year. Clean your air ducts every 3-5 years.
  • Clothes: Wash in hot water, hang them in your closet and keep the closet door closed, or put them into dresser drawers.
  • HVAC: Change or clean air-conditioner and furnace filters monthly. We recommend using a HEPA cleaner on your heating system or a portable HEPA filter unit in your bedroom.  
  • Clutter: Get rid of stuffed animals, and other dust collectors, or use washable ones.
  • Pets: Never allow pets in the bedroom.  Bath them twice a month with a Dander shampoo. You can use Dander wipes in-between baths.
  • Concentrate efforts in the bedroom of the dust-sensitive person.